Talking Painting of RBG

For this project I copied audio from some of RBG’s public speeches and then modified the audio files in Audacity to fit onto the CPX.  The CircuitPython program triggers the audio files to play when the pad is touched.


RBG YouTube Video


Here is the CircuitPython Code:

import board
import audioio
import time
import random
from import cpx


wave_file = open(“rbg.wav”, “rb”)
wave = audioio.WaveFile(wave_file)
audio = audioio.AudioOut(board.A0)

wave_file1 = open(“rbg1.wav”, “rb”)
wave1 = audioio.WaveFile(wave_file1)

wave_file2 = open(“rbg2.wav”, “rb”)
wave2 = audioio.WaveFile(wave_file2)

myWaveList = [wave, wave1, wave2]
i = 0

while True:
if cpx.touch_A3:
i = (i + 1)
three = [.1, .2, .3]
four = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5]
five = [.2, .4, .5]
rest = 0.3 * random.random()
rest1 = 0.3 * random.random()
rest2 = 0.3 * random.random()
print(“button A5 was pressed”, (i))[i % 3])
while audio.playing:
cpx.pixels[2] = (150, 0, 0)
cpx.pixels[3] = (150, 0, 0)
cpx.pixels[2] = (0, 0, 0)
cpx.pixels[3] = (0, 0, 0)


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