Jo highVoltage Gingerbread Pond with CPX, Crickit & CircuitPython

Jo highVoltage made a Gingerbread Pond where a gingerbread skater spins in the middle when a button on the CPX is pressed.  A DC motor is under the pond and is attached to a skateboard bearing which is attached to a piece of PVC board that is cut in a circle.  Using CircuitPython the CPX/Crickit is programmed to make the motor turn causing the skater … Continue reading Jo highVoltage Gingerbread Pond with CPX, Crickit & CircuitPython

Jo highVoltage’s Automated Book Report

In this project Jo highVolatage shows how she uses her CPX, Crickit and a continuous servo to automate her book report.  The CPX is coded using CircuitPython.   This youTube video shows how the project was made: Here is the code for the project: Josie’s CPX Crickit continuous servo BOOK REPORT import time import board import digitalio from adafruit_crickit import crickit print(“1 Continuous Servo demo!”) … Continue reading Jo highVoltage’s Automated Book Report

Jo highVoltage Harry Potter Lego Quidditch Match

Jo highVoltage brought her lego scene to life using her CPX, a Crickit, a continuous servo, a NeoPixel strip and an external speaker.  This project is coded in CircuitPython. The video shows how the project was made.   Here is the CircuitPython code for this project: import time import board import digitalio from adafruit_crickit import crickit import neopixel import audioio num_pixels = 30   # … Continue reading Jo highVoltage Harry Potter Lego Quidditch Match